About the trainer
Miniature ZEBU cattle
Words from the horse
Just for fun
For Sale
Upcoming Events 2013
Walace Bridge part 1
Wallace Bridge part 2
Contact me
Zebu Calves
ARAWALK FARMS & Miniature Zebu Cattle
http;//www.wallacebridge.com/J.W. Millegan
You Might Be A Horse Person If...
You get frequent flyer miles without ever being on a plane
Hay twine is your solution to EVERYTHING
The only hats you own are a cowboy hat and a helmet
Your horse’s family tree is more complete than your own
You are the one stealing all the socks for tail bags
You cluck to people and other animals to make them move
You own more bobby pins than the beautician m
Your dad is concerned about you checking out the body of and flirting with a horse instead of a guy
You have favorite wheelbarrows, shovels and pitchforks
Your nice clothes are the ones without horse hair on them
Every paper you write has to do with horses
You are more interested in the trailer than the cute guy standing next to it
Your horse’s stall is cleaner than your room
Your plan your entire social life around horse shows and practice
The centerfold of your magazine is a horse…. And there is NO swimsuit edition
You say whoa to the dog
Your motto is "if you have to ask you can’t afford it"
You’d pay $200 + for a show shirt but refuse to pay more than $20 for jeans
Your horse has more shoes than you do
Your boots and hat are not a fashion statement
You spend hundreds of dollars on a show for a 95 cent ribbon
Your horses legs are shaved better than your own
You are not ashamed to wear a hairnet and enough makeup for twenty people